Sunday 9 September 2012

Dyson HQ New Room Named After Design Icon

James Dyson invented his bagless vacuum by looking at the world around him and observing that a giant cone above a local mill could separate dirt using centrifugal force. He wondered if the same principle could be used on a much smaller scale. And quickly discovered that it could – what’s more it was better than a conventional bagged vacuum cleaner.

James has always been keen to reinforce these lessons by celebrating great designers that apply a similar approach to himself. Fiona’s use of bio-mimicry exemplifies this particular principle perfectly. By naming one of our meeting rooms after Fiona – he hopes to remind employees of the lessons that can be learned from this kind of observation. And equally to celebrate Fiona and her work.”

Other meeting rooms have also been named after scientists and engineers such as Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Alan Turing and Alex Moulton.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Cargo bikes future transport

We cycle a lot in our family , we have been looking at transporting children safely.These are my favourite stylish favourites from;

Madsen -USA


Wednesday 22 February 2012

Steve McPherson - Environmental Artist

Simple ideas are the best , beach combing and some thought produced these beautiful cards hi lighting pollution of our beaches . Designed by Steve McPherson, and all the letters on the cards are genuine beach litter items, found on UK beaches from 1994 – 2011 by the artist. Cards feature an environmental campaign message on the back of each card about marine pollution.

Doddington Hall

Doddington Hall worth a visit beautiful house and gardens lovely shop for foodies. Cafe and restaurant supporting the local economy

Tuesday 17 January 2012

European Inventor Award

Its that time of year again with annual award ceremonies
In 2009 I  was nominated for 'European Inventor of The Year ' by the European Patent Office  for my role in the development of  FASTSKIN for Sydney 2000 Olympic Games  by the European Patent Office . The only time clothing has been nominated by the panel of judges .I felt very humble and honored.The ceremony was held in Prague at the castle.I had interviews with BBC World Service and BBC Today program and  BBC Radio East Midlands as well as newspaper and online interviews. 

Monday 16 January 2012

London 2012 ... Ready?

100th of a second  
Win or Lose ?
1st or Last 
Hero or Zero? 
0.01 ... the Edge 

Time waits for no one 

Talent Code

A good friend suggested this book ... I look forward to reading it !
Supposed to be better than 'Bounce'. For all those aspiring athletes .

Christmas 2011

Christmas decorations at home a good time to be creative 

Friday 9 December 2011

Muston in the winter

The canal path near Muston in the Vale of Belvoir  in the frost.
A favourite walk , run , bike and horse ride route .

I remember running all the way to the Dirty Duck pub from Normanton and  farming friend stopped me to ask me had I lost my horse . 


Love this overnight bag by Cath Kidston  with the retro patches simply lovely ! I remember when people used to collect these patches and hand sew them on their rucksacks .

I might look for some vintage patches... and them here later. 

I also like the retro resort poster that you used to see at Train  & Bus Stations. 

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Sustainable Project .

My work from Central St Martins , London  back in 1993  subject Animal , vegetable or mineral ... print design based on the  context of Sustainable design within textiles 

Favourite Chair

An everyday simple portrait of my mother by the artist Kevin Cunningham 

Sunday 4 September 2011

Nature's Playground

Great for ideas of creative play outside . Beautiful images and content . Other books in the collection are GO WILD ! and MAKE IT WILD! . 101 things to do for all adults and children . Things I was lucky to grow up doing some I had forgotten. Relive your youth.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

Wind Tunnel

Elegantly functional wind tunnels . I have spent a lot of time at variety of facilities in UK, Europe , USA and Japan. This one is used by BMW .

Thursday 1 September 2011

Ruby & Ed Clouds

The best kids slippers that Ruby & Ed don't produce anymore very sad a classic

' Clouds 'Cute name too .